Monday, July 03, 2006

The Meaning of Troof

The Meaning of Truth

In search for truth, one may be led astray,
In a field where so much matter is gray.
The sweet suffusion; of light and of dark,
Skewed become your thoughts, future becomes stark.

Search forever, and yet never at all,
Searches become pointless; all of us fall.
Yet look we must, for we know it is there,
Surrounded in myst, and ever so rare.

Truth may be found, in darkness or in light,
And find it you will, but not without fight.
It lies within us all, deep down inside,
Some closer to surface, easy guided.

It's obvious sometimes, and sometimes not,
But in the end, it's all that we have got.

Pro sonnet examining the intricacies that is truth and whatnot. lol so bad ^_^


[ t a r a ] said...

i like it... nice one.

Matt said...

>_< Critisicms/more in depth i like it please Tara, if you have the time ^_^

[ t a r a ] said...

i like it because it's an interesting idea that everyone looks for truth yet it is buried inside us... at least that's what I got from it. It also flows well :)
satisfied?? lol

Matt said...

Very much so. Thankee Tara dear :)