Thursday, December 22, 2005

sonnet wannabe

I told renee I'd write a sonnet and i was soooooo close. Just missing one thing. Rhyming :(. And a fully proper structure. But anyways, I still think it's ok

Of a year come and passed, i think back then,
Of the saddness, the grief, the tears, the shame.
Then I remember, the year that has gone,
And I think of the good, the great, the times.
The times that we had, the times that we loved,
And I remember these times with fondness,
For these are the times we shared together.
Together as one, together with friends,
I enjoyed us together, all the time.
And I remember us not, befriended,
I enjoyed these times, yet not quite as much,
So this my dear, I say to you, adieu,
But not forever, just for now, adieu.

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