A movement, dimly perceived,
Abstract from original intention;
Falls by the wayside -
And another one gets away.
Hook, line and sinker; we fall.
A good size,
Made too good,
By unachievable dreams.
The bait has been set;
For insatiable anxiety.
All strings pulled to the tether -
Entirety dedicated to a single catch.
The sound of silent phonetic contact,
Before a return into totality.
Only if deliberate actions ratify;
Else left to initial motions.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Of the old wicker chair
I sat and looked at my friend, the graceful old
Wicker Chair
My father and I, to him would tend, the aging old
Wicker Chair
Just to reminisce, I sometimes sit there, the dreamy old
Wicker Chair
I can laugh with no care, the playful old
Wicker Chair
My mum would carefully knit, the steady old
Wicker Chair
I could jump up and just fit, the familiar old
Wicker Chair
Pulling out the duster, I spruce, the dirty old
Wicker Chair
To what have you been reduced, the forgotten old
Wicker Chair
Wicker Chair
My father and I, to him would tend, the aging old
Wicker Chair
Just to reminisce, I sometimes sit there, the dreamy old
Wicker Chair
I can laugh with no care, the playful old
Wicker Chair
My mum would carefully knit, the steady old
Wicker Chair
I could jump up and just fit, the familiar old
Wicker Chair
Pulling out the duster, I spruce, the dirty old
Wicker Chair
To what have you been reduced, the forgotten old
Wicker Chair
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Of a burning desire to never again.
You've got me falling faster than flight,
My eyes can't see for the lack of light,
This scene's a lot more black than white,
As everybody's feeling so full of spite.
You have to take action, telling the truth,
Making advantage of a beautiful youth.
How long can we keep up such a facade?
How long before we're both too scarred.
In your temper, you threaten and lie,
A sudden regress, and you begin to cry.
A justified means to an end, perhaps,
But it's not long now before I collapse.
I urge you to take him, just take him away,
As it pains me far more to have you stay.
And into it I've entered, begun the fray,
And alone you'll leave me, I know it, some day.
My eyes can't see for the lack of light,
This scene's a lot more black than white,
As everybody's feeling so full of spite.
You have to take action, telling the truth,
Making advantage of a beautiful youth.
How long can we keep up such a facade?
How long before we're both too scarred.
In your temper, you threaten and lie,
A sudden regress, and you begin to cry.
A justified means to an end, perhaps,
But it's not long now before I collapse.
I urge you to take him, just take him away,
As it pains me far more to have you stay.
And into it I've entered, begun the fray,
And alone you'll leave me, I know it, some day.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Of Unreal Awakenings
Unreal Awakening
Black blood and red eyeliner,
Twisted visions of a palpable truth.
A visual seesaw of a hideous aesthetic,
None such seen in my unreal youth.
Shades have changed; variant spectrum,
A black heaven and white abyss.
An unknown world assaulting senses,
Reminiscent of a previous bliss.
This room reeks of the unfamiliar,
It seems so distant from yesterday.
Yet it remains recognizable,
The anonymity willing me to stay.
Unsettled by the discernible difference,
One’s senses heighten to the extreme.
Such is the affect of an unknown world,
A world I have visited, as if in a dream.
And if this world proved to be superior,
What would I be motivated to?
Escapism at its finest and realest,
Worthy even if it falls through.
The poem Unreal Awakening was written in response to the idea of an individual’s journey into another world, as seen in The Matrix. The world the persona of the poem has entered is a completely new world, and they find it unfamiliar. The general emotional state of the persona throughout the poem is of surreal wonderment. From the opening sentence, the new world is seen to contain elements that are vastly different to the one’s the persona was exposed to in their origin. Alongside these differences though, is the underlying feeling of a strange familiarity.
School Creative Response to The Matrix :)
Black blood and red eyeliner,
Twisted visions of a palpable truth.
A visual seesaw of a hideous aesthetic,
None such seen in my unreal youth.
Shades have changed; variant spectrum,
A black heaven and white abyss.
An unknown world assaulting senses,
Reminiscent of a previous bliss.
This room reeks of the unfamiliar,
It seems so distant from yesterday.
Yet it remains recognizable,
The anonymity willing me to stay.
Unsettled by the discernible difference,
One’s senses heighten to the extreme.
Such is the affect of an unknown world,
A world I have visited, as if in a dream.
And if this world proved to be superior,
What would I be motivated to?
Escapism at its finest and realest,
Worthy even if it falls through.
The poem Unreal Awakening was written in response to the idea of an individual’s journey into another world, as seen in The Matrix. The world the persona of the poem has entered is a completely new world, and they find it unfamiliar. The general emotional state of the persona throughout the poem is of surreal wonderment. From the opening sentence, the new world is seen to contain elements that are vastly different to the one’s the persona was exposed to in their origin. Alongside these differences though, is the underlying feeling of a strange familiarity.
School Creative Response to The Matrix :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Of company
I hope the rain never stops, so I can just keep sitting right by your side...
Right by your side.
Rationale (not 200 words though): Rainy days are said to hold up events and general business, meaning that while it's raining, you can't go on about said general business. Therefore, I hope the rain never stops, so I can just keep sitting right by your side.
Right by your side.
Rationale (not 200 words though): Rainy days are said to hold up events and general business, meaning that while it's raining, you can't go on about said general business. Therefore, I hope the rain never stops, so I can just keep sitting right by your side.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Of Anniversaries
Happy 12 months my beautiful Mei. It has truly been wonderful.
You've changed me in so many ways, some really obvious, others quite subtle. But overall, I think you've made me a much more caring, considerate person. And this is because you yourself are such a caring and considerate person (most of the time hehehehehehehe), and it definitely rubs off on others, particularly someone you've spent so much time with ^_^.
Thankyou for being the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've changed me in so many ways, some really obvious, others quite subtle. But overall, I think you've made me a much more caring, considerate person. And this is because you yourself are such a caring and considerate person (most of the time hehehehehehehe), and it definitely rubs off on others, particularly someone you've spent so much time with ^_^.
Thankyou for being the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Of new poemz
Minister of my heart,
Endlessly preach to me,
Our souls set apart,
Together, they wish to be.
Oh jovial young one,
Sing to me once more,
Every bad day undone,
My spirit set to sore.
My dedicated lover,
I would travel long and far,
A moment spent in forever,
Like bliss locked in a jar.
My sweetest epitome,
You know not how amazing,
Your whole anatomy,
Still sends my heart blazing.
Endlessly preach to me,
Our souls set apart,
Together, they wish to be.
Oh jovial young one,
Sing to me once more,
Every bad day undone,
My spirit set to sore.
My dedicated lover,
I would travel long and far,
A moment spent in forever,
Like bliss locked in a jar.
My sweetest epitome,
You know not how amazing,
Your whole anatomy,
Still sends my heart blazing.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Matt's HTML project
EDIT: I AM FINITO. All ze stuff is uploaded, head on over for some exciting new sitez! There is sound embedded on the superheroes info page, and there's meant to be a movie on the gallery page, but it's 10mb so I broke the link for you guys ^^. Apart from the video, everything on the site should be working in Internet Explorer. <3
hehe. website we have to make for school. None of the links work, and the CSS doesn't work in FF so you have to use IE. But other than that, I think it looks pretty cool :) When I get the link sites done ill up them.
hehe. website we have to make for school. None of the links work, and the CSS doesn't work in FF so you have to use IE. But other than that, I think it looks pretty cool :) When I get the link sites done ill up them.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Of niceties and impossibilities
A bird in flight so peaceful,
A patch of grass so green,
A girl ever so beautiful,
Or is this just a dream?
A moment frozen in time,
A pretty smile crosses a face,
A vision so sublime,
Or is this the wrong time and place?
A cheek suffused in red,
A strand of chestnut brown,
A heart that has not bled,
Or should there be a frown?
A sky opened up so blue,
A soft gust of wind,
A rainbow full of every hue,
Or is every word a sin?
My pro explanation of what ze poem is on about.
Matt says:
I think
Matt says:
It's about nice stuff
Matt says:
Matt says:
How it's impossible to have everything nice
Matt says:
Like if it seems to good to be true it probably is
Matt says:
that kind of idea
A patch of grass so green,
A girl ever so beautiful,
Or is this just a dream?
A moment frozen in time,
A pretty smile crosses a face,
A vision so sublime,
Or is this the wrong time and place?
A cheek suffused in red,
A strand of chestnut brown,
A heart that has not bled,
Or should there be a frown?
A sky opened up so blue,
A soft gust of wind,
A rainbow full of every hue,
Or is every word a sin?
My pro explanation of what ze poem is on about.
Matt says:
I think
Matt says:
It's about nice stuff
Matt says:
Matt says:
How it's impossible to have everything nice
Matt says:
Like if it seems to good to be true it probably is
Matt says:
that kind of idea
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Of Photoshop
Was bored, and didn't want to do homework. So i opened up ps and started playing. Work so far...


EDIT: finito'd teh pictors, couldn't really be bothered doing hair, would take too long. Looks fair cool but imo.
ps 50th post. wooo.


EDIT: finito'd teh pictors, couldn't really be bothered doing hair, would take too long. Looks fair cool but imo.
ps 50th post. wooo.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Of Past, Present and Future
When you look back,
Are you happy with what you see?
When you turn around,
Are you glad you're looking at me?
I view a timid smile,
From the familiar floor of your room.
Then the room goes black;
I can't see you through the gloom.
I sit by the phone,
As I await your call.
I wonder if it's coming,
I wonder if you're there at all.
I don't know what to do,
Although I know I must wait.
I really think I love you;
Do I, or could this just be fate?
For Ms T.
Are you happy with what you see?
When you turn around,
Are you glad you're looking at me?
I view a timid smile,
From the familiar floor of your room.
Then the room goes black;
I can't see you through the gloom.
I sit by the phone,
As I await your call.
I wonder if it's coming,
I wonder if you're there at all.
I don't know what to do,
Although I know I must wait.
I really think I love you;
Do I, or could this just be fate?
For Ms T.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Of more Mei Poemz
They say she's crazy,
But I say she's fine.
They say she's crazy,
I know she's divine.
Her deep brown eyes,
Fill my sea of blue.
Saves me with white lies;
I always answer her true.
In God she trusts,
I guess I do too.
Love you I must,
In the hope of "I do".
Innocent as can be;
Effervescent too.
As beautiful as eyes see;
Mei Ying, I love you.
They say she's crazy,
But I say she's fine.
They say she's crazy,
I know she's divine.
Her deep brown eyes,
Fill my sea of blue.
Saves me with white lies;
I always answer her true.
In God she trusts,
I guess I do too.
Love you I must,
In the hope of "I do".
Innocent as can be;
Effervescent too.
As beautiful as eyes see;
Mei Ying, I love you.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Of Mei Ying, the greatest girl in the world.
My dearest Mei Ying,
Happy 9 months my dear (yes we're still calling it 9 months, even after the hoo hah). LOVE YOU DEARLY. We've had a really, really wonderful run, and I can't imagine time spent better with any body else. Sure, we've had our lows, and we both continue to act silly at times, but all in all, I think we're moving forward at a nice, steady, sustainable and blissfully pleasing pace. I look forward to a life time of crazy faces, unfathomable repetition of "sorry...I mean excuse me" and eskimo kisses.
I really hope you enjoy Perth m'dear, and I hope you get everything out of it that you are/were hoping for. Jesus loves me ^____________________^ Remember my little reminders gorgeous!
I'll miss you muchly. Will get milly at some stage before your mother goes. Love you lots and lots and lots. I'll miss jooooo.
As you leave, remember the Lord's prayer (this one if teh oldschool one straight from teh mouths of Matthew, Luke and the J man.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil:
[For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.] Amen.
ps. Say hi to pide for me.
Happy 9 months my dear (yes we're still calling it 9 months, even after the hoo hah). LOVE YOU DEARLY. We've had a really, really wonderful run, and I can't imagine time spent better with any body else. Sure, we've had our lows, and we both continue to act silly at times, but all in all, I think we're moving forward at a nice, steady, sustainable and blissfully pleasing pace. I look forward to a life time of crazy faces, unfathomable repetition of "sorry...I mean excuse me" and eskimo kisses.
I really hope you enjoy Perth m'dear, and I hope you get everything out of it that you are/were hoping for. Jesus loves me ^____________________^ Remember my little reminders gorgeous!
I'll miss you muchly. Will get milly at some stage before your mother goes. Love you lots and lots and lots. I'll miss jooooo.
As you leave, remember the Lord's prayer (this one if teh oldschool one straight from teh mouths of Matthew, Luke and the J man.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil:
[For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.] Amen.
ps. Say hi to pide for me.
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